Mitchell Chun among Top 25 Blockchain Technology CEOs of 2022 by Technology Innovators

Blockchain has been changing the way we perceive problems across organizations and industries. Apart from enhanced transparency and security, the technology improves speed and efficiency to deliver maximum outcome for businesses. It utilizes its unique way of data storage to provide a highly efficient process with trust, transparency, and immutability.
The value of blockchain stems from its ability to share data in a fast, secure way among entities, without any one entity having to take responsibility for safeguarding the data or facilitating the transactions. As a result, different entities are willing to engage in business dealings that involve transactions or data sharing that they may not have otherwise done or would have required an intermediary to do so. The enablement of trust is one blockchain’s most cited benefits
Today, almost all the sectors like Energy, Real Estate, Logistics, Healthcare, Finance, and Government benefit from blockchain. There are already many tech and security leaders using blockchain actively after realizing the potential of this tech. In this edition of Technology Innovators, we bring to you the Top 25 Blockchain Technology CEOs of 2022 who shares their insight on the benefits and value of blockchain that they gained over the years by implementing and using it. We hope this edition will help you manage the changes if your business is currently getting blockchain or plan to implement it in the future.
Click Here to access Mitchell Chun´s full profile